Zea Mays Exhibition in Concord, MA, through May 6

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Work by Prospectus artists Zea Mays Printmaking ([substratum] An Artistic Inquiry into Printmaking Substrates and their Health Impacts) is featured in the exhibition Process! at the Concord Center for the Visual Arts, 37 Lexington Rd., Concord, MA, through May 6. Zea Mays is a studio, workshop, gallery, research center and educational facility dedicated to safe and sustainable printmaking practices. Artists with work in the show are Anne Beresford, Annie Bissett, Judith Bowerman, Liz Chalfin, Sarah Creighton, Jenny Gover, Anita Hunt, Louise Kohrman, Tekla McInerney, Lynn Peterfreund, Erika Radich, Joyce Silverstone, Richard Turnbull and Nanette Vonnegut.