Donate to Borelli/Town Effort To Complete Ashland Memorial Healing Garden

Posted in News

Work to complete the Ashland Memorial Healing Garden will continue this summer, when another community celebration is planned. Included in the work are a new entrance to the site and parking, new signage, solar-powered lighting improvements, seating, plantings, pavers and repair of colored panels in the roof of the garden pavilion that were vandalized in May 2017. Prospectus artist Dan Borelli is coordinating completion, which involves the Town and police department of Ashland, a number of individual townspeople and the New England Laborers’ Training Association, among others.

The Ashland Memorial Healing Garden is part of Dan Borelli’s Illuminating Futures Prospectus project, which he created in response to the existence in the Town of the Nyanza Superfund site, where, historically, the Nyanza Chemical Colorant Plant produced toxic contamination of water and soil in Ashland and the surrounding area.  The Arts Company is helping Dan and the Townspeople of Ashland by accepting donations for the Memorial Garden’s completion, as well as to set up a fund for its continued maintenance.

Towards that end, checks may be sent to The Arts Company, 43 Linnaean St., Suite 25, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please add “Ashland Memorial Garden” to the memo line of your check. You also may make donations through The Arts Company’s PayPal account by clicking here.

All donations will be tax-deductible and will be acknowledged by a letter from The Arts Company to that effect. Thank you for any help you can provide Dan and the people of Ashland to complete their Memorial Healing Garden.