Nancy Andrews
Loupette and the Moon + Delirious For the Prospectus, filmmaker and visual/performance artist Nancy Andrews has created a comic book, Loupette and the Moon, featuring the story of a girl with hypertrichosis, a condition of more-than-normal body hair growth, or, as Nancy puts it, a tale of “genetics and destiny.” She also has contributed new […]

Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons + Neil Leonard
FeFa Contents FeFa Havana FeFa Venice Biennale FeFa Venice Biennale Installation FeFa Boxes Essay: “The Negotiation of the Faithful” Essay: “La negociación de los fieles” Bios Magda’s and Neil’s Prospectus contributions are based on their continuing multimedia art work FeFa. FeFa stands for “familiares en el estranjero” [Fe] and “family abroad “[Fa]. According to Magda, […]

Kelly Dobson
Two Untitled Projects Begun in 2010, Kelly’s work for the Prospectus consists of designing and prototyping 1) a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) intended to improve the experience of premature infants, their parents/families and medical personnel in the NICU; 2) a two-site, large-scale pair of sculptures that will offer a visceral and autonomic communication […]