Natalie Jeremijenko
Environmental Health Clinic + Cross(x)Species Adventure Club In 2010 and 2011, Artists in Context worked with artist/engineer Natalie Jeremijenko to plan and partially implement a Boston field office of her Environmental Health Clinic and to inaugurate a series of dinners and related workshops as a branch of her Cross(x)Species Adventure Club in Boston. Documentation from […]

Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons + Neil Leonard
FeFa Contents FeFa Havana FeFa Venice Biennale FeFa Venice Biennale Installation FeFa Boxes Essay: “The Negotiation of the Faithful” Essay: “La negociación de los fieles” Bios Magda’s and Neil’s Prospectus contributions are based on their continuing multimedia art work FeFa. FeFa stands for “familiares en el estranjero” [Fe] and “family abroad “[Fa]. According to Magda, […]

Deb Todd Wheeler + Bec Conrad + Michael Nagle
Chromatic Energy Mirror How much do we know about the energy we use? With the right tools, our city’s buildings could tell us directly about the energy used within and give us insight into when our system is strained and close to a brownout and when it has the resources available for normal usage. Can […]