Natalie Jeremijenko
Environmental Health Clinic + Cross(x)Species Adventure Club In 2010 and 2011, Artists in Context worked with artist/engineer Natalie Jeremijenko to plan and partially implement a Boston field office of her Environmental Health Clinic and to inaugurate a series of dinners and related workshops as a branch of her Cross(x)Species Adventure Club in Boston. Documentation from […]

Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons + Neil Leonard
FeFa Contents FeFa Havana FeFa Venice Biennale FeFa Venice Biennale Installation FeFa Boxes Essay: “The Negotiation of the Faithful” Essay: “La negociación de los fieles” Bios Magda’s and Neil’s Prospectus contributions are based on their continuing multimedia art work FeFa. FeFa stands for “familiares en el estranjero” [Fe] and “family abroad “[Fa]. According to Magda, […]

Dan Borelli
The Cloud of Unknowing: Our Future is Our History Artist/designer and Ashland, MA, native Dan Borelli has been working for the last several years on a collaborative, multidisciplinary project titled The Cloud of Unknowing: Our Future Is Our History. Ashland is where the Nyanza Superfund site is located, and Dan’s project is aimed at helping […]

Ellen Driscoll
Distant Mirrors Website + FASTFORWARDFOSSIL Paintings on Recycled Plastic Ellen Driscoll’s Prospectus work relates to her FASTFORWARDFOSSIL installation series (made from #2 plastic) and most directly to Distant Mirrors, which was in the Providence River September – November 2011. In Ellen’s words: “My recent work maps the consumption of just one oil-derivative product, #2 plastic, […]

Mahmood Rezaei-Kamalabad
The Flag of Mercy Owner/operator of Aladdin Auto Service in Cambridge, MA, Mahmood is also an artist and spiritual leader who has been involved with Artists in Context nearly since its inception in January 2009. He co-sponsored a work-in-progress film screening with us in his garage/art gallery, complete with Middle Eastern refreshments and a Japanese-American […]