Mahmood Rezaei-Kamalabad

Mahmood Rezaei-Kamalabad

The Flag of Mercy Owner/operator of Aladdin Auto Service in Cambridge, MA, Mahmood is also an artist and spiritual leader who has been involved with Artists in Context nearly since its inception in January 2009.  He co-sponsored a work-in-progress film screening with us in his garage/art gallery, complete with Middle Eastern refreshments and a Japanese-American […]

Daniel Peltz

Daniel Peltz

Unrealized Gain/Loss Daniel’s Prospectus contribution, Unrealized Gain/Loss, comes out of a cross-cultural exploration of notions of retirement and pension systems. About the project he writes: “In a spiritual society, one spends this life preparing for the afterlife; in a secular society, one spends this life preparing for the after-work life. But how do we insure our well […]