Kelly Dobson

Kelly Dobson

Two Untitled Projects   Begun in 2010, Kelly’s work for the Prospectus consists of designing and prototyping 1) a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) intended to improve the experience of premature infants, their parents/families and medical personnel in the NICU; 2) a two-site, large-scale pair of sculptures that will offer a visceral and autonomic communication […]

Wendy Jacob + Theodossis Issaias

Wendy Jacob + Theodossis Issaias

Personal Kingdom Personal Kingdom depicts the inventions, collections, and systems of organization conceived by Luke Huntington Palmer (1987 – 2005), and constructed with the help of his parents, Onnie and Andy Palmer, when he was between 5 and 10 years old. Luke was autistic and had a particular sensitivity to aspects of his physical and […]

Alfredo Jaar + Students

Alfredo Jaar + Students

Public Interventions Sponsored by Artists in Context and Cultural Agents Initiative at Harvard University, Alfredo Jaar taught a Public Interventions course in Cambridge, MA, November 2011 – May 2012 to 11 students from the area. His Prospectus contribution consists of video interviews done with him and each of the students about the teaching and learning […]